Aleksandr M. Kazachkov

Links to Virtual/Online Academic Seminars and Conferences

The subcategories below are subjective and subject to change...

This page is now *community-run*! (For now, still moderated by me.)

If you would like to add other seminars, events, or links, or if you find that the page otherwise needs to be updated, please submit a pull request at

You may also find helpful the Time Zone Converter and my subscribable Google calendar of (personally-interesting) seminars, which is typically accurate, but incomplete (I usually do not duplicate those events that can be found on other Google calendars that I subscribe to from the list below).

Last updated: February 26, 2024

Seminars  /  Conferences  /  Links  /  Blogs

Events that recur (frequently) are included here.

Analytics / Optimization / Operations Research

CS-Econ / Computational Social Choice

See also Economics below.

Computer Science / Social Good


Machine Learning



Less Formal (e.g., podcasts)


Conferences, workshops, symposia, etc. that are at least partially virtual.

Two good resources for combinatorial conferences are maintained by Doug West and Jan van den Heuvel.
